Date:1월 14, 2023


연출 | 김소정
출연 | 이진하 신가영

시각장애인 가영과 그녀의 애인 은정은 그들만의 방식으로 마라톤을 준비하지만, 계속해서 다투게 된다.

Ga-yeong, who is visually impaired, and her lover Eun-jeong prepare to run a marathon using their own method, but find themselves in constant conflict.


  • 24th Jeonju International Film Festival
  • 12th Gwangju Independent Film Festival
  • 19th Incheon Women’s Film Festival
  • 24th Daegu Independent Short Film Festival
  • 5th Jeju Hondie Film Festival
  • 24th Jeju International Disabled People’s Human Rights Film Festival: Excellence Award
  • 2023 Sundle Women Film Festival
  • 24th Persons with Disabilities Film Festival: Grand Prix, Best Actress
  • 18ème Festival du Film Coréen à Paris
  • 12nd Daegu Women’s Film Festival: Closing Film
  • 26th Urban Film Festival: Best Film
  • 3rd Seongbuk Film Festival
  • 13th Seoul International PRIDE Film Festival
  • 49th Seoul Independent Film Festival
  • 1st Korea Short Film Awards: Best Film Nomination
  • 22nd Florence Korea Film Festival
  • 26th Seoul Human Rights Film Festival
  • 2024 Iksan Disability Film Festival
  • Leiden Shorts 2024


Digital | color | 22′ 06″