Date:1월 14, 2023

<나나, 누누, 니니, 노노, Nana, Nunu, Nini, Nono,>

연출 | 권정원
출연 | 조은형 문주빈 박민석 고은비

나나는 자신과 동생들의 대충 지은 이름을 바꾸기 위해 아빠와 엄마들의 동의를 받아야 한다.

Nana must obtain the written consent of her dad and her “moms” so that she and her younger siblings can change their names—which were originally given to them without much thought.


  • 18th Busan International Kids and Youth Film Festival
  • 2023 Kkossim Youth Film Festival
  • 1st Incheon Kids & Youth Film Festival
  • 6th Seoul Independent Women’s Film Festival


Digital | color | 27′ 25″