Date:1월 23, 2015

<허들 Hurdle>

치매에 걸린 엄마를 돌보던 다해. 티비에서 흘러나오는 허들 경기에 매료된 다해는 엄마를 데리고 운동장으로 향한다.
Dahae has been taking care of her mother with Alzheimer’s all by herself.
On one tired night, she watched the TV program about jumping hurdles in the track and fascinated by it. In the next morning, Dahae takes her mother to the nearby track and field.


  • 19회 부산국제영화제 (19th Busan International Film Festival)
  • 40회 서울독립영화제 (40th Seoul Independent Film Festival)
  • 2015 유바리 국제판타스틱영화제: 예술공헌상 (2015 Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival : Award for Artistic Contribution)
  • 2015 광주여성영화제 (2015 Gwangju Women’s film festival)
  • 7회 서울국제초단편영화제 (7th Seoul international extreme short image&film festival)
  • 2015 전북독립영화제 (2015 Jeonbuk independent film festival)
  • 9회 대전독립영화제 최우수작품상 (9th Daejeon Indie Film Fest: Best Film)
  • 5th Gwangju Independent Film Festival


HD | color | 11′ 14″