Date:9월 13, 2023

<더도 말고 덜도 말고 No More No Less>

연출 | 임오정
출연 | 이유진 박소담 신우희 임성미 정슬기

수능시험을 얼마 남기지 않고 찾아온 추석 연휴, 열아홉살 권오윤은 도둑맞은 물건을 찾기 위해 친구들과 함께 빈 독서실을 뒤지기로 한다. <지옥만세> 임오정 감독의 2013년작으로, 이유진, 임성미 같은 독립영화계의 익숙하고 중요한 배우들의 초기 모습과 함께, 지금은 스타가 된 박소담의 모습도 볼 수 있다.

During the holidays, with CSAT exams just around the corner, a nineteen-year-old girl and her friends set out to find her stolen iPod in an empty reading room. However, the friendship between the three friends proves to be not so easy to maintain. LIM Ohjeong, known for her feature film debut HAIL TO HELL, directed this film in 2013. It was invited to the Jeonju International Film Festival and the Seoul Independent Film Festival and is now considered one of the most iconic Korean independent films of its time. In addition to the previous appearances of well-known actors in the Korean independent film industry such as LEE Yoo-jin and LIM Seong-mi, the film also features the debut of PARK So-dam (PARASITE), who is now a celebrated film star.


Digital | color | 31′ 37″